The Lesson plan
A clear and well-arranged lesson plan has been drawn up for all lessons. It describes which exercises can be given per lesson and how this is done.
It is indicated whether the exercise should be performed with or without a jacket and whether this is done with all children together at the same time, or in 2 groups. When working in 2 groups it is also indicated with which control cards the group of children who swim independently can practise.
You will also find indications for My Swimming Record in the lesson plans. These indicate when the children can achieve which skills (benchmarks) so that this can be quickly entered at My Swimming Record after the lesson. You can also see in the lesson plans what amount of floatations is desired in the Konfidence jackets at that time.
- Supplied for use in the pool or digital.
- Handy time indication.
- Student tracking indicator pointer.
- Immediately insight into which ammount of floatations are desirable.